This lesson utilizes enVision Math, but ideas can be adapted for other texts. Many of the hyperlinks will direct you to a place to download the resources used throughout this lesson. (Note: You must have ActivInspire downloaded to view the Promethean Board slides)
Subject: Math
Grade: 5th
Source: enVision Math 2.8
Integration of
Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to use multi-steps to solve a variety of problems by making sense of problems and persevering in solving them, reasoning abstractly and quantitatively, attending to precision, looking for and making use of structure, and looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning.
- Students will be able to add and subtract decimals by solving word problems.
- 5.NBT.7: Add and subtract decimals to hundredths; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.
Anticipatory Set
Julia wants to buy three pens at $1.99 each and
two notebooks at $2.50 each. What is the total cost?
Students will list what they know, what they
need to know, and the steps to solving the problem before solving the problem.
Drag the parts of the question into the
appropriate column on the Promethean Board.
Students will write out the steps to solving the
Find the cost of three pens at $1.99 each.
Find the cost of two notebooks at $2.50 each.
Find the total cost. ($10.97)
Students will solve problem on their whiteboards.
Propose problem:
Miss Orr is going to buy 3 Flyers Tickets at $22.34 each. She paid $70.00. How
much change will she receive in return.
- Break problem into important information through annotating. Mention that there is a “hidden question” that we need to answer.
- Ask, “What information do we know?” “What question is being asked?” “What do we need to find out before we can answer the question?” “Why do we have to follow those steps?” “What is the hidden question?” Students will discuss most questions in their small groups.
- Students will solve the problem with a partner on their whiteboards (Answer: $2.98)
Propose next
question: Jack bought a t-shirt on sale for $5 off. It originally cost
$14.50. He also bought a cap for $7.95. How much did he spend in all?
- Work with partner to identify the part of the problem that must be answered first. Have students identify the hidden question.
- Students will solve problems on whiteboard.

Complete problem #1 on page 51 together as a class. Students
will solve #4 and #5 independently. Once
students have their answers checked by a teacher, they may work on a station
from the previous lessons (grocery list, menu, Halloween worksheet, etc.)
- Students are given opportunities to move around the room during puzzle exercise.
- Students are able to work with partners who can assist them. They can also build ideas off their groups.
- Problems posted on board will act as visual for visual learners.
- Breaking down and annotating problem will help those who need help with reading.
- Hockey ticket word problem will spark interest.
State that students have learned how to solve multi-step
problems. Have students put their heads
down. Have them raise their hand if they
understand the material. Then, have them raise their hands if they are still
- Closure provides formative assessment to see what students know/how they feel about material.
- Students will be assessed summatively at the end of the unit via test.
- Teacher will walk around and observe throughout the lesson.
- Promethean Board
- enVisions Math textbook
- Active Inspire (2.8 Multi-Step Problem Solving)
- Whiteboards and markers
- Pre-made puzzle piece cards
- Promethean Board
Reflection on Planning
I think students will be interested by the Flyers
problem. I try to put as many real life
examples into word problems as possible.
I also try to use topics that will interest students. Word problems tend to scare students away, so
I think making the word problems more appealing will keep their interest. They’ll want to solve them instead of shying
away from them.
I do think this will be difficult for students. They have to realize that there is more than
one step to solving the problem. I don’t think all the students will originally
pick up that there’s more than one step needed.
Reflection on
Students had a simple time solving the problem. However, they had trouble identifying the
hidden questions. For example, they knew
they had to add two numbers together, than subtract from another number. However, they were unsure of what those two
numbers added together represented. For
example, they could not comprehend that $14.50 – $5.00 represented the new
price of the shirt. They also couldn’t
realize that the hidden question would be “What is the new price of the
shirt?” They were able to solve the
problems, but they could not comprehend what the information meant.
The Flyers problem really did engage them though. They
wanted to know if I really bought the tickets.
They were quick to notice the informational text and the information it
provided. I expanded on the problem and
said, “If I need $5.00 for lunch the next day, would I be able to buy the
tickets?” The students were quickly to
respond “no” knowing that my change would be less than $5.00.
Students really like the puzzle activity. I had them solve the problems on their
whiteboards before finding their matches.
This helped them find their partner quicker. One student said to me “This was a fun
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