Sunday, August 24, 2014

Lesson Plan: The Colonies

The following is a 4th grade lesson on the colonies. The lesson is a subunit of a unit plan on the entire history of the Northeast. This plan connects to state standards as well as the National Council for Social Studies themes and subthemes. The lesson plan utilizes the textbook Harcourt Social Studies: States and Regions. Students do a before, during, and after reading on the textbook and answer questions. Students will then conduct research and create a brochure on the colony of their choice. Their brochure will act as an advertisement trying to get settlers to come to their colony.  The students will also participate in a class KWL, which will take them through the whole unit. A worksheet and rubric for creating the brochure is also embedded. Graphic organizer and rubric can be downloaded on our Teachers Pay Teachers page.


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