This lesson utilizes enVision Math, but ideas can be adapted for other texts. Many of the hyperlinks will direct you to a place to download the resources used throughout this lesson. (Note: You must have ActivInspire downloaded to view the Promethean Board slides)
Subject: Math
Grade: 5th
Source: enVision Math 2.6 &
2.7 (2 day lesson)
Integration of
Learning Outcomes:
· Students will be able to compute differences of decimals involving tenths, hundredths, and thousandths by reasoning abstractly and quantitatively, constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others, attending to precision, and looking for and making use of structure. (enVision)
· 5.NBT.7: Add and subtract decimals to hundredths, using strategies based on properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.
· 5.NBT: Add and subtract decimals to hundredths using concrete models or drawings.
· M05.A-T.2.1: Use whole numbers and decimals to compute accurately (straight computation or word problem).